Blog Post

Boots and blessings

  • By Michelle R. Scully
  • 28 Jan, 2021

When blessings come on the bottom of boots.

Who'd a thought getting a steal on some boots would bring my favorite verse right to my feet?
And yea, I know, who really needs another pair of boots?
The right answer is yes y’all, you do.
Today's the 10 year anniversary of my wreck.
Little did I know when I hit the ground and heard that 'pop' ten years ago the short ride I'd snuck in would change the trajectory of my life.
These years have brought so many lessons, so much gratitude.
It's one thing to be handed a diagnosis, and a whole other to figure out what's on the other side of it.
I'd trade my old body for this one in a minute, but I'm so grateful for the lessons I've learned on this journey.
6 yr. old me confidently declared that grown-up me would be a veterinarian, comedian, and tap dancer.
I'm none of those things dang it.

It's rare for any of us to end up where, or how, we thought we would.

I've learned that the lesson before me was to learn what this detour could teach me.
Anything can happen on this spinning planet. Can and does.

2020 brought that lesson home to all of us.
But for me, right now, right here, on this day 10 years later, I'm good.
Sometimes I see a flash of what my titanium parts must look like, and my heart still clenches. The unexpected blessings, the love and support of my family and friends, you!, and my faith have lifted up my spirit and my heart over these years.
I find encouragement in my favorite verse, the one now on the bottom of my boots, that all things work together for the good....not just some things. All things.
That remodeled me can be a better human being because of it.
I'm grateful for the beauty and the blessings and the wonder of second chances.
Mr. Buck Brannaman has said horses and life, it's all the same to me. I love that.
I'm not the first person to ever fall off a horse, and I won't be the last.
If my story helps you stay on, or get back on, that's good enough for me.
It might not be a horse you fall off, but no matter what throws you, I hope you get back on.
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I had the best weekend with my boys.
They're young men now, but it's hard to remember to call them that. 
It's weird being a mom - our job is to raise kids up to be independent but then one day, bam, they are.
They move across the country, study abroad, make lives of their own.
Which is the plan, right?
So mom'ing is a constant state of hold tight, let go.
It's okay, I tell myself as I said goodbye with tears in my eyes, it's all good.
They're doing their thing, following their dreams, making their lives and I am 100% #theirteam
It felt good to get home (I'm not really built for big cities) and back into the groove of my own little world where Maisy and Rufus let me know they were certain I'd left and was never coming back.
Life too is a constant state of hold tight, let go only sometimes we struggle with that balancing act.
I often think of life like a scale; things add up, things fall off.
Sometimes we have too much of one thing - things we worry about, things that make us feel overwhelmed or less than.
Sometimes we have too little of something -things that help us feel calm, centered, joyful, filled with wonder.
It's like cooking without a recipe.
You've gotta keep tasting the soup.
I often tell Pat I feel like the keeper of his scale. I can see when it gets too heavy, and I am super protective of that.
 He has big shoulders and is always willing to take a little more of the load but I'm always aware that it adds up.
A little too much on one side means there's a little less on the other.
More or less.
I had a son deficit going on, I needed more mom time, and I'm so happy I got it.
What do you want more of?
What makes your eyes shine and your heart glow?
What do you need less of? Want to let go of?
What no longer serves you and needs to be set free?
It's an ongoing process to keep that scale of more and less balanced but it sure feels good when it is.
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