Blog Post

Day of the Horse

  • By Michelle R. Scully
  • 13 Dec, 2020

A love letter from a horse crazy girl

God knew what He was doing when He created the horse
He started with smell
sweet, peppery, like sunshine and joy
He moved on to the liquid depths of the horse's eye
filled with promise and purpose and mystery
Next the nose, tactile whiskers purposefully placed in soft velvet perfection
Strong legs to run, thundering across fields, across deserts, across prairie
Mane and tail, tossing in the wind and flying like a flag during bursts of play
Strong backs to carry us, (why we should be so blessed?)
Spirit of forgiveness in spite of our rude and noisy tourist tendencies
Hearts that create legend; like Seabiscuit, Man O'War, Secretariat, Sergeant Reckless (a mare!), Comanche - names we memorize as horse-crazy girls

I read again this morning the words of Mr. Tom Dorrance from True Unity and try to absorb them into my heart ...
"I’m beginning to believe it may be the most important factor—that the rider recognize the horse’s need for self-preservation in mind, body, and spirit.”
In honor of all the horse has brought to our lives, may our relationships with horses be rich in respect and learning all we can to be the partners they deserve.
I can't imagine a life without them. 
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I had the best weekend with my boys.
They're young men now, but it's hard to remember to call them that. 
It's weird being a mom - our job is to raise kids up to be independent but then one day, bam, they are.
They move across the country, study abroad, make lives of their own.
Which is the plan, right?
So mom'ing is a constant state of hold tight, let go.
It's okay, I tell myself as I said goodbye with tears in my eyes, it's all good.
They're doing their thing, following their dreams, making their lives and I am 100% #theirteam
It felt good to get home (I'm not really built for big cities) and back into the groove of my own little world where Maisy and Rufus let me know they were certain I'd left and was never coming back.
Life too is a constant state of hold tight, let go only sometimes we struggle with that balancing act.
I often think of life like a scale; things add up, things fall off.
Sometimes we have too much of one thing - things we worry about, things that make us feel overwhelmed or less than.
Sometimes we have too little of something -things that help us feel calm, centered, joyful, filled with wonder.
It's like cooking without a recipe.
You've gotta keep tasting the soup.
I often tell Pat I feel like the keeper of his scale. I can see when it gets too heavy, and I am super protective of that.
 He has big shoulders and is always willing to take a little more of the load but I'm always aware that it adds up.
A little too much on one side means there's a little less on the other.
More or less.
I had a son deficit going on, I needed more mom time, and I'm so happy I got it.
What do you want more of?
What makes your eyes shine and your heart glow?
What do you need less of? Want to let go of?
What no longer serves you and needs to be set free?
It's an ongoing process to keep that scale of more and less balanced but it sure feels good when it is.
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