Blog Post

Old dog, young dog, several stupid dogs.

  • By Michelle R. Scully
  • 06 Apr, 2019

Disclaimer:  There's no such thing as a stupid dog.

Kai, 10 years old. When did this happen?

Old dog, young dog, several stupid dogs.
At least that's what the sign on our upper gate says.
I don't think any dogs are stupid, but it's been there for years and I liked that it kind of puts a sense of wonder into anybody coming on your property.
Now, that sign's even more untrue - the young dogs have apparently turned into the old dogs, as the dogs around here are getting old, as Facebook showed me today.
This funny face popped up on my memories this morning, and FB told me it was 4 years ago.
Four years? I looked at my phone to scroll through pictures I'd taken just a few days ago, and this is that same fellow.
Pat laughs at me about all the pictures on my phone of the dogs, horses, Clementine the cat, the wild turkeys; he thinks they’re excessive. I suppose my photos are of things you might consider very ordinary.
But I love all of them, and find them all extra-ordinary.
Just for the record, his pictures are usually pictures of equipment or pumps or stuff like that. Now that is boring.
If somebody went looking for incriminating photos on our phones they'd be pretty disappointed. But they make me happy.
Old dog.
Kai, my sweet goofy golden love is old. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, I had an all too poignant reminder this morning. Thanks for nothing Mark.
His sweet face is almost all gray. He doesn't have the option of scheduling an appointment for a few scattered highlights which then turn into more highlights and then turn into more serious efforts when somebody points out 'Hey, you've got some sparkle in your hair!'
In case you don't know, that doesn't mean glitter from a unicorn - it's hairdresser code for gray is on the way. Buckle up.

Kai turned 10 a few months ago and it seems to be a hard 10. His body hurts in spite of all the potions and things I research for him and he sleeps so much more than before. He has a hard time getting in the four wheeler and needs help.
I don't like this. I don't like this at all.
Can't he stay frozen in time, say, from four years ago?
Can't I count on his smiling loving eyes looking at me every morning forever?
We tell him 'You have unnaturally large eyes Kai!" and he smiles and wags his tail yes, yes I do.
The better to radiate love out to you from his big golden heart.
Do you love an old dog too? I'd love to know. xoxo

Kai, 6 years old.  

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I had the best weekend with my boys.
They're young men now, but it's hard to remember to call them that. 
It's weird being a mom - our job is to raise kids up to be independent but then one day, bam, they are.
They move across the country, study abroad, make lives of their own.
Which is the plan, right?
So mom'ing is a constant state of hold tight, let go.
It's okay, I tell myself as I said goodbye with tears in my eyes, it's all good.
They're doing their thing, following their dreams, making their lives and I am 100% #theirteam
It felt good to get home (I'm not really built for big cities) and back into the groove of my own little world where Maisy and Rufus let me know they were certain I'd left and was never coming back.
Life too is a constant state of hold tight, let go only sometimes we struggle with that balancing act.
I often think of life like a scale; things add up, things fall off.
Sometimes we have too much of one thing - things we worry about, things that make us feel overwhelmed or less than.
Sometimes we have too little of something -things that help us feel calm, centered, joyful, filled with wonder.
It's like cooking without a recipe.
You've gotta keep tasting the soup.
I often tell Pat I feel like the keeper of his scale. I can see when it gets too heavy, and I am super protective of that.
 He has big shoulders and is always willing to take a little more of the load but I'm always aware that it adds up.
A little too much on one side means there's a little less on the other.
More or less.
I had a son deficit going on, I needed more mom time, and I'm so happy I got it.
What do you want more of?
What makes your eyes shine and your heart glow?
What do you need less of? Want to let go of?
What no longer serves you and needs to be set free?
It's an ongoing process to keep that scale of more and less balanced but it sure feels good when it is.
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