They're young men now, but it's hard to remember to call them that.
He has big shoulders and is always willing to take a little more of the load but I'm always aware that it adds up.
What do you need less of? Want to let go of?
Oh holy night.
The stars are brightly shining.
I pretty much love (almost) all Christmas songs, but this one always kills me.
Tonight when we sang this at our Christmas Eve service, I choked up because this one always gets me.
The verse 'till He appears and the soul felt its worth; a thrill of hope, a weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn' gets me every time.
As Christmas eve drew to a close; bringing full circle all the hustling, all the excitement, the awkward family conversations, weird presents, all the hopes - my dad came down with a terrible cold and my folks weren't able to come for Christmas - all the realities of our expectations and the disappointments of real life.
But this song. It slays me.
We are a weary world. Sometimes life just wears me out. You too?
And the promise of hope, of refreshment, of a new and glorious future speaks to my soul.
Merry Christmas to you.
Wherever you are, whatever you believe, may you awaken Christmas morning with a thrill of hope.
Of how much you are loved, of how much hope there is within that love.
Thanks for all the laughs, the joy, the friendship, the encouragement over this past year.
Sending Christmas love from here to you. xoxo